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The Inkblot, Issue #005 -- Getting Ideas: Developing Your Sense of Humor December 19, 2008 |
The Inkblot is your cartooning information resource. From art supplies to drawing lessons to tips from the pros, you'll learn what it takes to be a cartoonist! If you like this ezine, please tell your friends and family about it. Remember, it's free! If this was forwarded to you by a friend, do me (and yourself) a favor and subscribe! Just click the link below:
Introduction![]() Just kidding. But it will at least be interesting! I promise you that. Over the next few issues, we'll discuss another must for the cartoonist: developing ideas! But first, if this is the first issue of The Inkblot you’ve read, for the last 4 issues, we’ve been discussing the Essential Tools of the Cartoonist; the ones he or she just can’t live without. We’ve looked at many different types of drawing tools, and have identified which ones work best for cartoonists. This is really good information that I’ve picked up during my many years of drawing cartoons, so if you haven’t read these, please review them. They are available on the Inkblot Back Issues page for free! Just go to Art Supplies ReviewNow, there are a LOT more cartooning tools out there, and we have only just scratched the surface. If you’re REALLY serious about cartooning, especially if you want to become a professional cartoonist, then you’ll want to look at acquiring some or all of these. We’ll discuss these in detail later, but here are some of them:![]()
For now, don’t worry too much about all these things. While important, they aren’t essential. To get started in drawing cartoons, all you really need is:
The last essential tool you’ll need is an idea; something to draw! This may not seem like a tool at first, but it’s one of the most important. You can’t draw anything if you don’t know what you’re going to draw. Deciding Your DirectionIdeas can be hard to come by, especially to the newbie. Ideas can come in different ways, and everyone has their own methods. However, one thing I’ve found in my experience, is once you have a method that works for you, you have to DO IT. Like riding a bicycle, it takes practice. The more you practice getting ideas, the easier it will become. You’ll still have those tough days; some days the ideas seem to flow like a waterfall, others, they come at a trickle. But they WILL come. Unlike riding a bike, though, it can be unlearned. If you don’t keep working at it regularly, then you’ll lose the ability to generate those fresh ideas.But how do you go about it? What can you do to get ideas? The first step to getting ideas for cartoons, is you have to decide what kind of cartooning you are going to do. There are many different directions can you take:
I personally prefer funny cartoons, so I’m going to talk about how to get funny ideas. Some people are funnier than others; some seem to be funny from birth, while some of us have to work at it. Being funny isn’t easy, but it can be learned. You just have to be willing to have the determination, passion, and desire to put in the time and energy necessary. Begin Your Study of HumorThat’s right; you can learn how to be funny. But how do you do it? Well, you start with what makes you laugh. Everyone has a sense of humor, but it’s not always the same. So to find out what kind of humor makes you smile, look at cartoons.A LOT of cartoons. Read newspaper cartoons, magazine cartoons, funny greeting cards, cartoon book collections, all that you can get your hands on. And not just cartoons; read humor books, comedic novels and humor magazines also. Surround yourself with humor; eat, drink and breathe it. The more you read, the more you’ll find out which kind of humor you like the best. The more you’ll be able to recognize funny ideas when they come. Once you decide what makes you laugh, narrow your reading to just that type of humor. Try to find out what it is that makes it funny. For example, really silly humor makes me laugh the most. Lucky for me, this type of humor is everywhere. One of my favorites uses it—The Far Side. In this cartoon, animals take on human aspects, and humans do really silly things. You’ll see worms reading evening papers, cows building rocket ships, cat scientists, human scientists running after the ice cream man. Nothing you’d expect. This is why a lot of this type of humor shows up in my own cartoons. Now, when you find a cartoonist or humorist you like and admire, study their work, but by all means, do NOT steal from them. LEARN from them. Learn the aspects and details of their humor, but don’t use their actual jokes or gags. You will learn a lot by imitating a cartoonist’s style, but if you steal, you won’t learn anything. A Final Word...Once you incorporate humor into your own life, it becomes much easier to see humor in the world around you. Watch people, pay attention to social situations, try to twist normal situations into really silly ones. Try to come up with original ideas, or new ways of looking at old ideas. Don’t do too many well-known, age-old jokes, because you can only beat a dead horse for so long!
Until then, Happy Drawing! Michael Richards |
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